Communication and Information Sharing: What might this look like?

Communication and Information Sharing: What might this look like?

Examples of what this might involve:


Electronic record keeping systems with agreed coding for specific conditions and decisions.


Review and improvement of current information sharing processes, with reference to the Mental Welfare Commission’s Carers, consent, and confidentiality: Good Practice Guide.


  • Development and use of shared care planning templates across services.
  • Patient information leaflets and informed consent forms to allow for individual’s cases to be discussed at joint meetings.


  • Review and improvement of current processes and systems to enable shared access to relevant records and improve communication across services. 
  • Approval from local information governance teams and Caldicott Guardian around current information sharing agreements/support to modify these where they are proving ineffectual.


  • Thematic analysis of Significant Adverse Event Reviews in relation to communication and information sharing and using key learning points and recommendations to improve processes.
Last Updated: 26 September 2024