Participation in health and social care services: Where do participation requests fit in?

Event date: 13 June 2024

Event time: 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Staff in NHS boards and health and socail care partnerships are invited to join our next peer learning session.

Andrew Paterson from Scottish Community Development Centre will give a quick run through of what participation requests are and summarise what has happened with this part of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act, which was designed to make it easier for community groups to proactively help improve public services. In addition, Andrew is interested to hear about current, wider, community and service user participation in health and social care services. This should be an opportunity to discuss what role participation requests could have in this context.

We will consider the following questions during the interactive session:

  • Did you know that participation requests (part 3 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act) can be made to health boards and integrated joint boards (the latter in a round-about way!)?
  • How could something designed to set up a collaborative process to improve services be used to complement existing engagement and participation in health and social care?
  • What ways can communities currently work collaboratively with health and social care services to improve how services are designed and delivered?

If you have any issues registering, please contact

Please feel free to share with health and social care colleagues you think may be interested.

Please register using this link

Last Updated: 16 May 2024