Engaging differently: How to involve people during a pandemic

Event date: 9 December 2020

Event time: 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Engaging Differently: How to involve people during a pandemic.

The world has gone through a massive upheaval in 2020, with most countries experiencing some sort of lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical distancing restrictions have now been in place for some time and the situation has encouraged us to think differently about the methods we use to reach people to learn more about their views and experiences.

We are also acutely aware that important decisions continue to be made in relation to health and care services, and many at a faster pace than we have seen in the past - so what can we do to ensure that people and communities are continuing to have their voices heard and acted upon at such a crucial time?

In this webinar, staff involved in our Engaging Differently programme will explore how the pandemic has affected community engagement, describe examples of how organisations have adapted their approach to continue to meaningfully engage with people & communities, and share practical tips and resources to help people working in health and care consider changes they can make.

Last Updated: 18 March 2021