

Social media and e-participation in NHSScotland

Social media and e-participation in NHSScotland

This briefing updates a previous paper (below). It summarises the prevalence of public access to the internet and the use of social media for health purposes, including peer support, giving feedback and the rise of the e-patient. It goes on to highlight NHS Boards' use of social media and patient and public portals to engage stakeholders. The paper concludes that, while there is still the need for traditional methods of patient and public engagement, there have been encouraging developments in the use of e-participation in recent years in NHSScotland. However, there is variation in how NHS Boards are making progress in this area. Boards should aim for an equitable approach, where people's opportunities to engage with the NHS using e-participation are the same wherever they live.

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Publication date: April 2013

Last Updated: 30 March 2020