Multiagency Partnerships - Case Study
Creating the Conditions – Multiagency Partnerships
One clear requirement set out by the TEC TLS Pathfinder was that the project should be run by a partnership of equals, with full involvement of statutory and third sector partners from the outset. We felt this was important for developing and designing innovative and transformative solutions, and to set the conditions for working differently.
You don't solve problems with the same thinking that you used when you created them.
Instead, we emphasized the need to fully engage with people who have very different perspectives on the problem. Our third sector partners in the programme have vital connections and experience with people with lived experience of services and supports. Parity of respect and resource to support their involvement is essential.
Pathfinders processes
Stakeholder mapping to identify relevant people and organisations. These may include staff within the organisation, teams or units, other organisations (such as third sector and community organisations). A stakeholder mapping exercise helps identify groups and to how to engage them. Stakeholder mapping is iterative and will develop as the project develops.
Finding key stakeholders to form a steering group for the project. The steering group will oversee the project, provide leadership and guidance. We found it was important for this to be multi-agency and multi-disciplinary, and to involve people from other sectors (for example, voluntary and third sector organisations, housing providers or planners, independent providers of care services).
The steering group will have a number of important roles to play, which will include:
- Developing and maintaining communication and knowledge exchange across agencies and sectors
- Support the design process
- Commission and oversee working groups to drive progress
- Review progress and deal with issues

Photo: Unsplash
Hints and tips:
- Involve carers in your steering group – theirs is an important perspective to include
- Consider the range of roles, skills and expertise that will be helpful for your group
- The Highland Pathfinder developed a smaller Core Group which met monthly to take forward tasks under the direction of the wider steering group. Members of the Core Group were recruited from areas of NHS Highland who work with respiratory patients (consultants, specialist nurses, pulmonary rehabilitation physiotherapists, and public health specialists) plus those who work with data (eHealth and Planning and Performance) and the Project Management Office. We have also recruited a GP, and representatives from two 3rd sector organisations who work directly with patients.