Whole System planning and delivery

Whole System planning and delivery

This section covers what needs to be considered within local areas to align activity and priorities with strategies and change occurring within the health and care system.


What is expected?

Local systems should consider: 


Where possible, connections with local public health work programmes, particularly anti-stigma campaigns, social capital projects, and place-based approaches, to support community-level health and care services and Tier 1 supports.


  • Connection with other standards, e.g. Core Mental Health Quality Standards, MAT Standards.
  • Connection with other local priorities e.g. integrated care pathways for particular conditions.
  • Connection with other areas of improvement, redesign and transformation in the health and care system. This may include Quality Improvement projects and service development through SAERs processes.


References to how changes, through the implementation of a local protocol, might impact other areas of the health and care system (e.g. primary care, community-level support, third sector commissioning).


How changes within mental health and substance use might result in access barriers.

Find out more: Examples of what this might look like

What is expected?

Commissioning approaches should include:


Incorporation of Ethical Commissioning principles into the planning and commissioning of mental health and substance use services.


Development of shared accountability for outcomes across commissioning bodies


Description of how commissioning approaches and mechanisms will be used to support implementation of a local protocol.


Commissioning practices which learn from those who deliver and use services – enabling people to identify what alternatives might be available.

Find out more: Examples of what this might look like

Last Updated: 26 September 2024