

Use this summary to see if you have what you need for this stage of your design process.

Each stage has a series of statements which reflect where you should be by the end of the stage. This summary can help you identify any areas where you might need to focus. 

At the end of each stage, you should share progress and learning. You can use this document to summarise this activity, and to make note of any data or knowledge repositories you created. 

  1. We have a deeper understanding of the challenge including the drivers, organisational requirements and the wider context for the service. 
  2. We are clear on what the project needs to achieve and the measures of success.
  3. We have gathered and built on existing information to inform our thinking. 
  4. We are clear on the constraints and parameters that will impact the project. 
  5. We have mapped our network of stakeholders and prioritised those who have the greatest influence on our success. 
  6. We have identified and engaged with a diverse selection of service users (such as tenants/ end users/ carers) to ensure we have gathered multiple perspectives and have considered relevant characteristics such as age, income, geography, ability, advantage, culture, gender, and the range of experience of with the service.
  7. We have reached and engaged with people whose voices are less heard including non-typical users and those who are not often included.
  8. We have engaged with internal (staff, managers, etc) and external stakeholders (delivery partners, suppliers). 
  9. We have a deep understanding of user needs and wants for the service. 
  10. We have a well-rounded understanding of the challenge that needs to be addressed which reflects the perspectives of the diversity of our users and stakeholders.. 


Checkpoint - Sharing Progress

To help us keep track of the process and brief new team members, at the end of this stage, we have summarised what we have done, what we have learned and what will happen next.  

We have shared this with our team, key people in the wider organisation, and our partners to ensure we are all on the same page and clear on the management and governance of the project. 

Last Updated: 13 December 2023